Our Mission

We exist to support our members and their respective institutions through peer-to-peer advocacy, leadership and accountability, and to promote collaborative sourcing and professional development opportunities in support of strategic procurement transformation.


  • 1965

    In 1965, a group of five Purchasing Directors from different Ontario universities and colleges met at the University of Waterloo to discuss issues of common interest.

  • 2019

    OUPMA reaches complete university sector representation across the Province with every institution in Ontario joining as regular members.

  • 2021

    OUPMA changes to Ontario University Professional Procurement Management Association (OUPPMA), with a new logo by OCADU’s own, Justine Fisher.

  • 2021

    OUPPMA joins the Canadian Collaboration for Sustainable Procurement (CCSP) giving all member institutions access to a national network of professionals invested in Sustainable Procurement.

We do better together!

OUPPMA encourages its members to utilize group procurement organization (GPO) opportunities. These organizations leverage purchasing power to achieve discounts and other value-added options from vendors for their users. Vendors are likewise encouraged to familiarize themselves and participate with GPOs, when advantageous for their business objectives.

Across our membership, some commonly utilized GPOs include: